Divorce, Fairfield County, Litigation, Von Kohorn

Divorce in the Age of the Internet – Attorney Jonathan E. Von Kohorn

I had the pleasure back in 2009 of speaking on a panel to attendees of the American Bar Association, Family Law Section Conference in Baltimore about issues related to ethics and technology in family law.  The title of the presentation was “‘The Love Bug’ and Other Ethical Issues Arising from the Use of Technological Tools”. http://apps.americanbar.org/family/events/courses.shtml

I also enjoyed the opportunity in 2010 of speaking to members of the American Bar Association, Young Lawyers Division about similar issues.  The title of that presentation was “Utilizing Social Networking Websites: Opportunities and Pitfalls”. http://www.americanbar.org/groups/young_lawyers/initiatives/listen/utilizing_social_networking_websites.html

In the five years since, I have continued to be amazed at the growing role technology plays in divorce cases.  Our court trials, hearings, custody evaluations and financial examinations all involve an ever increasing proportion of technology issues every year.  When clients find out that I have a background in Information Technology and have lectured on computer issues in divorce cases, it invariably prompts discussions about technology issues in their own pending cases.  The more that our lives and relationships take place online, the more that online issues will invariably arise in divorce.

Divorce, Fairfield County, Litigation, Von Kohorn

First Blog Post! – Submit your questions or ideas. (Anonymous requests are welcome too!)

Welcome to my first blog post!

I have been practicing divorce law in Connecticut for over 10 years.  For most of that, I have practiced with Tara, my wife and law partner.  Given that I am focused on family or matrimonial law, it is difficult to pin down one area of divorce law that I have more experience in over others.  However, it is fair to say that my practice involves a relatively high level of litigation and trial experience.  While some attorneys never step foot inside a court room, I’m usually there at least once per week.

While there is plenty to not like about divorce, the practice of divorce law can be very interesting.  You learn a lot about a wide variety of topics.  The trial advocacy aspect of the practice is particularly engaging as well.  Preparing and presenting cases in an adversarial setting is an art as well as a science.

In Connecticut, all family cases are disposed of either through an agreement or by a decision from a judge or agreed upon arbitrator.  There are no jury trials.

I thought that this blog could be an interesting destination for those who had questions about any aspect of divorce law and practice in Connecticut, specifically the Fairfield County area in southwestern Connecticut.

If anyone has any questions or ideas for a blog post then feel free to message me either privately or publicly.  I can be reached through our firm website at http://www.thevklawfirm.com or via our firm’s Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/thevklawfirm/

-Jon Von Kohorn
